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My Calling: Encouraging Girls to Be All God Has Created Them to Be.

My calling: To Encourage. To Instill Godly Worth into Girls. To Lead Others to Worship the Lord with their whole life. To encourage others to drink deep from the Living Water of Scripture.

To Encourage.

Encourager. This is a gift that I believe that the Lord has given me to be used for His Kingdom. Words have the power to lift people up or they can have the power to bring others down. I feel called to use my words to encourage others. I want to write about God's great love for His daughters.

I remember when I first got a Facebook account, I would put inspirational thoughts and encouraging words from Scripture on my account almost daily. I believe that using the platform the Lord has given me is something that I am called to do, wherever I am. We each have been given a unique sphere of influence and we are called to glorify God and reach others right where we are. I want my life to be a reflection of God's love and grace and encourage others to become all God has created them to be.

To Instill Godly Worth into Girls.

Worth is something that so many of us struggle with. We live in a world that has a different definition of what we should find our worth in. Especially for women, the world shouts that our worth is based on our appearance, our relationships, the number of likes we get on an Instagram photo, and how many followers we have on social media.

But, what if our true worth was based on so much more than this? What if our truth worth could be found in following the Lord and becoming who God has created us to be? My dream is to see girls know their truth worth found by following Jesus and being a daughter of Him. I would love to equip and encourage girls that their identity, their purpose, and true acceptance can only be found in Jesus. Through this dream, God has allowed me to create Worthy and His, an online ministry to instill hope and worth back into the precious daughters of the Lord.

One of the most encouraging passages on worth is found in Psalm 139:13-16.

What if a generation of girls rose up and truly believed this verse? That they were created by the almighty Lord. That they are completely known by the Lord. That the Lord knows their past, present, and future. How much encouragement would this bring the world? I want to mentor girls and do life with them as they discover their true worth in Christ.

To Lead Others to Worship the Lord with their whole life.

God has given me a passion and a gift for leading worship through song. Music is such a beautiful art form that can touch people in incredible ways. When someone encounters the Lord through worship, I believe it can change someone's life. Creating an environment that allows God’s people to worship the Lord and enter into a deeper relationship with them is one of the highest honors as a worship leader. Living a lifestyle of worship is a calling for each Christian as they journey through the highs and lows of life. Psalm 145:1-2: “I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever.”

To Encourage Others to Drink Deep from the Living Water of Scripture.

God’s Word has been something that has given me rest and refreshment throughout hard times. It has been a way that the Lord has spoken to me. How incredibly lucky are we that we have 66 books of words from our Almighty God? I love leading and writing Bible studies that push women closer to experiencing a deeper relationship with God.

My calling is to encourage girls to live our their God-given worth and purpose by living a life of worship and drinking deep from the Truths of Scripture.

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